Software development

What is Blockchain Development?

A blockchain is basically a ledger of information stored on thousands of computers located around the world. The information on any one computer cannot be tampered with without authorization. This increases security. Programmers who are able to create and maintain this technology are known as blockchain developers.

What Exactly Does a Blockchain Developer Do?

Blockchain developers program, develop and test blockchain software and systems. They are of two types:

1. Blockchain developers need a combination of technical and soft skills.

2. Consider Online Blockchain Courses and Bootcamps

Numerous online courses and blockchain bootcamps teach you the skills you will need.

3. Understand the Basics of Blockchain

Take the time to study courses, watch videos and speak to your peers about how the technology works.

4. Master Cryptonomics

The world of cryptocurrencies is based on blockchain technology. Study cryptocurrency applications since they can help boost your understanding of blockchain.

5. Research and Learn about Ethereum and DApps

DApps are applications that run on decentralized blockchain networks like Ethereum. Learning about DApps can help you understand the various applications that can come out of blockchain technology.

6. Research and Learn About Smart Contracts and Solidity

Solidity is a programming language used in the development of smart contracts. Smart contracts are self-executing digital contracts based on blockchain technology.

7. Connect With Others in the Industry

As a blockchain developer, it is necessary to connect with others in the industry to learn from them and meet potential employers.

8. Ask for Someone to Mentor You

A mentor can be hugely beneficial to someone entering the field of blockchain. They can help you in understand the field and guide you past some of the common challenges.

Do You Need a Degree to be a Blockchain Developer?

While a degree in computer science or software engineering will be beneficial, it is not absolutely essential. You can also make do by learning the necessary programming languages and reading up on blockchain technology online.

What is the Career Outlook for Blockchain Developers?

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the overall employment in computer and information technology professions is projected to grow by 15 per cent between 2021 to 2031. This is a higher-than-average growth rate.