
What is freelancing?

Freelancing is doing specific work for clients without committing to full-time employment. Freelancers often take on multiple projects with different clients simultaneously. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers freelancers to be self-employed individuals

Freelancers handle contract work on a part-time or full-time basis and often sign agreements before starting projects.

With freelancing, the client pays per project, per task, or per hour, depending on the agreement. Freelance projects typically involve short-term assignments, although satisfied clients often request follow-on work. Most freelance jobs are available in the skills, service, and creative sectors, such as copywriting, programming, engineering, and marketing.

Benefits of freelancing

Being your own boss as a freelancer comes with many potential perks, including:

Disadvantages of freelancing

While being a freelancer offers many advantages, you’ll also want to consider potential downside concerns.

Main differences between freelancing and a full-time job

The ideal choice between freelancing and full-time employment depends on individual considerations of what is important. Compare these main differences to help you make the best decision for your personal situation.

Freelancing Full-time job Flexibility You have the freedom to work from anywhere at any time, depending on your preferences or circumstances. And you get to pick your clients and projects. Having a full-time job means you perform specific duties during set working hours. You also typically have set responsibilities. Stability Unlike full-time employment, freelance work can be a bit unpredictable, making it harder to plan for the future. Full-time workers generally have a stable, predictable income and work schedule, making it easier to plan for future expenses. Benefits Independent workers typically don’t have access to employer-funded benefits like paid vacation time, retirement plans, health insurance, and sick leave. Benefits are a significant upside of full-time employment, like paid vacation, health insurance, and retirement plans. Motivation As a freelancer, you operate as your own boss, making self-motivation a necessity. As a full-time employee, you’re expected to meet specific performance standards to earn raises or promotions.

9 categories of in-demand freelance work

One of the best features of the gig economy is that you can work in various sectors depending on your skill set. Below, we list some popular work categories available as an independent contractor.

Development and IT

This category includes several technical jobs, such as programming, UX design, and web development. Some professionals focus on quality assurance and additional technical support roles.

Design and creative

Freelance creative professionals create visual elements, content, and products to capture users’ attention.

Sales and marketing

As businesses are always looking to make money, freelance sales and marketing professionals are in high demand.

Writing and translation

This category covers fields like freelance writing, editing, and translation.

Admin and customer support

This category offers a wide selection of job opportunities across multiple functional areas. Examples of freelance positions under this category include customer service coordinators, database managers, and e-commerce managers.

Finance and accounting

You can find many new clients looking for financial experts to help them organize records, make informed financial decisions, and manage taxes (including administering payroll tax payments and filing business income tax returns).

Human resources

This category covers various specialties, such as payroll manager, recruiter, and general HR expert.


You’ll find numerous job options in the legal category, including freelance paralegal, remote secretary, and attorney roles.

Engineering and architecture

Architecture and engineering jobs are also available for independent workers. You can find projects for architects, interior designers, and remote mechanical engineers.